The 6th International Balkan Autism Conference will be held in Montenegro between 26-28 May 2023.
Autismedi Medical Director, Nuclear Medicine Specialist, Nuclear neuropsychiatry, Holistic Medicine, Member of the Board of the World Autism Organization, Autism Associations Federation (ODFED) Turkey Advisory Board Member, Visiting lecturer at Heimerer College Pristina, Dr. N.Cem Kınacı will make a presentation on "Challenges and solutions in autism spectrum disorders".

Dr. Necip Cem KINACI, MD
Specijalista nuklearne medicine, Nuklearne neuropsihijatrije, holističke medicine
Član Upravnog vijeća Svjetske organizacije za autizam
Član Savjetodavnog odbora Saveza udruženja za autizam (ODFED) Turska
Gostujući predavač na Heimerer koledžu Priština
Naziv predavanja: “Izazovi i rješenja u poremećajima iz autističnog spektra”